Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Supplies are pouring in!

Supplies are in from the schools that participated in the Oaxaca project! A big thanks goes out to all the kids, teachers, and parents who donated their time, money, and energy into providing the materials for children to go to school. You’ve shown that everyday people can make a difference. Here are some photos of the classes that participated:

James Buchanan High School spanish students collected an assortment of notebooks, binders, and folders from their own closets to donate to schools in Mexico.

Teacher Natalie Campbell said about the project, "it was wonderful for the kids to see something real. Many of the speakers we have in foreign language courses just give the usual tourist's view of a country." The slideshow not only illustrated what life is like in other places she said, but also made them realize just how lucky they are to live where they do.

Students from the Mercersburg Academy's Community Services and Outdoor Programs came up with loads of their own school items, much of them badly needed art supplies like crayons, markers, and scissors. One faculty member even donated his old computer!

Pictured here are students Erin McKenna, Mark Herring, and Community Services Director David Bell.

And finally, second graders from Hamilton Heights Elementary in Chambersburg, PA gathered a giant box of notebooks, folders, and construction paper. (My back still hurts from hauling that thing out!).

Keep smiling!

With most of the supplies in, it's time to organize the long journey south. A huge thanks again to everyone who gave their energy to this project. It's been incredibly inspiring. You've shown what a difference the little things can make.

1 comment:

Larissa said...

This is awesome, Brian. I look forward to hearing more as this project develops.
All the best,