Sunday, August 31, 2008

Welcome to the Rivers of Tomorrow

This blog is about kayaking. It is about thundering rivers, wild adventure, and raw emotion. It is about stark canyons and forbidding gorges, and the mountains that give them life. This blog is about laughing till it hurts and crying till it doesn't. It is about learning a little more each day.

But mostly, Rivers of Tomorrow is about people. Often our travels take us to some of the poorest, most remote places on the continent. In the rush to adventure, it is easy to forget the people that call these places home. Many of them have been here hundreds, maybe thousands of years. And when all of our adventuring is over, it is they who will remain.

Rivers of Tomorrow is a project that gives back to communities in these wild places. The idea is simple: assist people in getting the tools they need to build a better future for themselves. This last part is crucial. We look for ways to help people help themselves, to pursue the future that they perceive, and not just our own visions of Shangri-la.

You can support those people in the places that we paddle by participating in and contributing to various Rivers' projects. Note that we strive for simplicity. We are not a top-heavy NGO hell bent on agenda and numbers. Nor are we an government agency writing reports with limitless funding.

We're just a group of kayakers that wants to give a little something back.

At you can follow the adventure as each project unfolds. Check out photos of people and places, read compelling stories from the trail, and listen to insight on the challenges and rewards of life in the developing world.

And of course…catch some cool kayaking footage from the places that we travel.

Thanks for your interest in Rivers of Tomorrow. You've proved once again that tomorrow starts today.